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Among other tasks, we move small and medium furniture and clean underneath and behind them.
We supply all cleaning supplies except special cleaners (i.e., oven cleaner, marble or granite cleaner and stainless steel cleaner). Also, we provide equipment such as vacuum cleaners, step ladders, long dusters, pails and mops.
This cleaning package is booked with a team of two or more maids. Minimum deep cleaning appointment length is 6 hours (2 maids x 3 hours); however, if needed, it may be extended. Deep cleaning appointments may be scheduled any time between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
The maids will have a specific time they are assigned to your house based on what you scheduled for your appointment. They will try to do as many cleaning requests as they can fit within that time; we will contact you to discuss further options if they cannot fulfill all your requests in the time provided.
The current cost for this package is $63.25 per hour per maid plus HST, however we currently offer a discount on spring cleaning packages, please check our Special Offers page for more details.
Some common deep cleaning service includes tasks are listed below; however, you can customize it to best suit your needs. Please note that maids may not be able to complete all tasks requested in the time scheduled.
2812 Tradewind Drive
Mississauga ON, Canada
L5N 6L1
Monday - Friday | 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday | 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday | Closed